lunedì 6 ottobre 2008


Warhol on Polaroids

"Mr Land invented this great camera called a Polaroid. And it just takes the face of the person. There is something about the camera that makes the person look just right. They usually come out great. I take at least 200 pictures and then I choose. Sometimes I take half a picture and a lip from another picture. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy."

William Burroughs on Warhol

"He's really a science-fiction character. He's got a strange green colour. His films will be the late-night movies of the future."

Truman Capote on Warhol

"When he was a child, Andy Warhol had this obsession about me and used to write me from Pittsburgh. When he came to New York, he used to stand outside my house - just stand out there all day waiting for me to come out. He wanted to become a friend, wanted to speak to me, to talk to me. He nearly drove me crazy."

Warhol on Capote

"I used to write to Truman every day for years until his mother told me to stop it. She did. She called me up and said it. She was really sweet." (Capote: "She was drunk.")

Warhol to Muhammad Ali

"Could I have some pictures of you not talking?"

Jimmy Carter on Warhol

"I think that [Warhol's] painting of me, based on that photograph, was superb. It kind of grows on you ... The first one was frowning and scowling and worrying because I was broke, I had lost some primaries, I didn't know where I was going to go next, and the fact that [US artist] Jamie Wyeth and Andy Warhol were willing to help me kind of turned the tide."

Warhol on Warhol

"I'll paint anybody. Anybody that asks me. I just try to make people look good."

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